Cirebon 19, Oktober 2017

Telor Asin

Who does not know about salted eggs? Almost all Indonesians have tasted this salted egg, one of Indonesian traditional cuisine, salted egg or dalm javanese "salted endog" is one of the favorite foods for culinary lovers in Indonesia. Salted eggs themselves are duck eggs or duck eggs that undergo decomposition process by using red brick, salt and ash, until it feels to be salty
One of the locations that is the center of salted egg crafts is in the Brebes region of Central Java. Salted eggs themselves are usually blue-green, as a result of fermentation and cooking by boiling, usually made from duck eggs or duck choices.
Have you ever known about the content or benefits of these foods? So what are the benefits of salted eggs?
Salted egg itself has many benefits for us all. What are the benefits of this salted egg? here are some of them:
  1. High Protein
Like eggs in general, salted eggs have a very high protein content. Approximately in one salted egg, there are 9 grams of protein which is certainly very good for the health of our body. Protein can build muscle, maintain body fitness and good for our body health.
  1. Helps the growth of new cells (producing new cells)
Protein can also help to form new cells in the body and regenerate damaged body cells. So by consuming salted eggs, damaged body cells can be regenerated optimally, thereby affecting our body's resilience.
  1. Improve the function of red blood cells
The benefits of salted eggs for the body are also very good for improving the function of red blood cells in the body. Salted eggs can also increase the content of red blood cells in the body and also good to prevent bleeding.
Other benefits of various minerals present in salted eggs are very good to help smooth the blood circulation. With the smoothness of this blood awareness, then the supply of blood and other minerals to the organs of the body will become smooth. It also can prevent the occurrence of clots in the blood vessels.
  1. Good for skin health
Salted eggs have vitamin E content that is good for our skin health. With this vitamin E content, then our skin will become brighter, shine and also become more refined. In addition, with this vitamin E content, we will be protected from various skin disorders, such as rashes, infections, irritants, fungi, eczema and other skin diseases.
  1. Maintain bone health and prevent bone disorders
The benefits of salted eggs also contain enough phosphorus and calcium to help maintain health and also help our bone growth. This makes salted eggs useful for preventing osteoporosis and can also help the growth of children, especially during growth, so as to optimize the body.
  1. Selenium helps the body in improving immunity and endurance
Salted eggs also contain selenium. Selenium contained in salted egg is very useful to maintain our immune system. With the presence of this selenium, then you will avoid sharing a variety of health problems that attack the immune system, such as flu and cough.
  1. Good for skin health
Salted eggs have vitamin E content that is good for our skin health. With this vitamin E content, then our skin will become brighter, shine and also become more refined. In addition, with this vitamin E content, we will be protected from various skin disorders, such as rashes, infections, irritants, fungi, eczema and other skin diseases.
  1. Maintain bone health and prevent bone disorders
The benefits of salted eggs also contain enough phosphorus and calcium to help maintain health and also help our bone growth. This makes salted eggs useful for preventing osteoporosis and can also help the growth of children, especially during growth, so as to optimize the body.
  1. Selenium helps the body in improving immunity and endurance
Salted eggs also contain selenium. Selenium contained in salted egg is very useful to maintain our immune system. With the presence of this selenium, then you will avoid sharing a variety of health problems that attack the immune system, such as flu and cough.
  1. Prevent the symptoms of anemia
Salted eggs have a high iron content. With the presence of iron in the salted egg, it can help the body to prevent the occurrence of symptoms of anemia or lack of blood. Usually the symptoms of anemia are the body that feels weak and also lethargic, easy to feel tired, nausea, dizziness and headaches. So with the presence of iron content in salted eggs, all of these anemia symptoms can be prevented.
  1. Providing a high energy intake
Do not forget, salted eggs can also provide energy for the body. This is because in addition to having protein content, salted eggs also contain fat, which can produce calories. Calories are the fuel needed by the body to move and perform daily activities.
  1. Can maintain eye health
Apparently, the benefits of salted eggs also contain vitamin A. Vitamin A is one type of vitamin is very good for maintaining eye health. With the optimal intake of vitamin A in our body, then we can avoid various health disorders eye and make health our eyes will always be well preserved.
  1. Good for brain development
Salted eggs also have omega 3 content. Omega 3 is one of the substances that are very important to to help the development of the brain. Especially during the first 3 years of birth and also during pregnancy. Therefore, pregnant women are also allowed to consume salted eggs. But do not overdo it because it can cause symptoms of hypertension or high blood pressure.
  1. Rich in Antioxidants
The benefits of salted eggs are as antioxidants. antioxidants are one of the important ingredients that can ward off free radicals. This content can prevent the emergence of disease, one of which is cancer.
Those are some of the benefits and content that are essential to our body needs from salted eggs that we need to know together. However, keep in mind that consuming salted eggs in excess amounts will actually be bad for your health. So, remember the excess is not good.
So the information we can convey and hopefully this article can add to your insight. amen